Website Juan Luna Blog used a screenshot from an unrelated five-year-old skit video as a thumbnail photo for its article about police brutality.
The Nov. 14 article was headlined:
Pregnant minor sexually harassed by police, then later shot for complaining in court
A reverse image search reveals the photo was from a Youtube video about a reenacted daytime shooting incident uploaded April 28, 2014 by Dan Serrano.
The video shows two motorcycle-riding men firing at two other men in broad daylight supposedly in “Gen San,” short for General Santos City. The “gun sound” was later revealed to be coming from another man hitting concrete with a plastic bottle.
The article in Juan Luna Blog criticized the deteriorating human rights situation in the Philippines under President Rodrigo Duterte. It cited as example an incident involving a 16-year-old pregnant woman in Cagayan de Oro who was shot Nov. 12 after her court appearance.
The victim, a house help, had filed a case of acts of lasciviousness against an alleged police officer, according to a Nov. 12 Sunstar news story.
Juan Luna Blog also used a second photo for the article, , correctly this time: the crime scene of the 16-year-old's killing. Sunstar had published the photo. (MC, JGL, HP)
(2019, November 14). Pregnant minor sexually harassed by police, then later shot for complaining in court. Retrieved from https://juanluna.site/2019/11/14/pregnant-minor-sexually-harassed-by-police-then-later-shot-for-complaining-in-court/
Orias, P. J. (2019, November 12). Pregnant teen shot after court appearance. Sunstar. Retrieved from https://www.sunstar.com.ph/article/1831684
Serrano, D. (2014, April 21). Riding In Tandem Caught In Camera Gen San City [Video File]. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9a6ULIoj0dc