Doctors Willie and Liza Ong have again been misrepresented as endorsers of unregistered apple cider vinegar gummies, their old photos altered to make it seem as if they were promoting the product.
A Dec. 13 post of Facebook page Premium Quality Gummies included the doctored picture of Ong, a cardiologist, and his wife showing them holding a bottle of “Extra Strength Apple Cider Vinegar Gummies” produced by Fitgum.
The Food and Drug Administration’s online verification portal reveals that neither the brand “Fitgum” nor the product “Apple Cider Vinegar Gummies” has a certificate of product registration and a license to operate.
A Google reverse image search revealed that the photo was used in an April 28, 2019 article by Philstar.com when Ong was running as senator during the midterm election.

Ong said in a Facebook post last April. 18 the only product he endorses is Birch Tree Advance.
The caption of Premium Quality Gummies’ false post also says physician and content creator Winston Kilimanjaro Tiwaquen was recommending the product.
Tiwaquen warned his followers last March. 10 through a Facebook post to be wary of marketed products on the platform.
Another image posted by Premium Quality Gummies on Dec. 11 shows Ong, his wife and other “doctors” holding a bottle of apple cider vinegar gummies.
The original photo was traced to an X post by Reuszchelle Fernandez on Oct. 11, 2020, revealing that the people with the pair were actors in a movie.

Another Facebook page associated with the product was previously fact-checked by Vera Files on Nov. 23. (JL)